Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Make or Break for Brands - Disribution


Did we ever realise that any brands backbone is clearly it's distribution. We would all other elements of the product mix right. But if the brand is not available at the right retail counters at the right time, the brand strats to show a downswing.

The clear example in the Inidan context is ITC. Hats off to the way the company operates. I think they show dadagiri in Marketing.

Any brand which is launched by ITC is clear shot winner. The placement across the whole nation takes at least 45 days. The brand managers initial off take numbers are met. Man what a pleasure for the Marketing guys at ITC. Even if ther
e are issues with any mix of the product, same can be intern corrected during the course of 45 days.

So Distribution is the name of the game at least in the Indian context.

Cheers till next post.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Digital- The New rage


The new buzz word " Digital ", is just another medium for god sake.

It is just another medium to reach the consumer. The marketers think that new mediums are the ideas to enhance their brands.

But, first of all we tend to forget that each new medium is just a medium. We are still selling it to the same human whose genes have not changed for over a century. Each time only a medium was used to communicate the Idea.

Let's not forget the "Ideas" still rules the marketing and brand worlds.

Cheers till the next post.